So Your Views pits the Greenies against the Freedom-loving Chainsaw-Happy Folks with the question: Is it a good move to make it easier to chop down and trim trees?
machan (Onehunga)
Most of these Greenies do not understand the health hazards of two many trees around the houses.It is one of the main cause for cold,damp houses which in turn causes asthma and other upper respiratory infections etc.More over trees around the houses prevent people from getting sun light which is very important for Vit,D metabolism which is important to prevent children from suffering with Rickets and adults from Osteoporosis.And here was I thinking the world relied on trees to keep us alive? Chainsaw at the ready, the trees are giving us asthma!
Lady Barbie Girl (Epsom)
JK's right-wing National government will be remembered, not only in New Zealand but also world-wide, as "The Tree Murderers". Simply because no other government in the Western world allows such cynical killing of trees.Perhaps this user was provoked by the Herald's Interesting choice of headline for the related story: 'Law changes could see open season on trees'. It does invoke shooting spree connotations, with "JK" and his big-shot mates decked out in trenchcoats ready for a tree massacre.
Tim C (North Shore)
Why is it that the 'left wing' in this discussion crudely and nievely conclude this tree debate is all about "greedy developers" (when they make up less than 1% of the population)?. You communists show your true colours. You want sameism & differing views to yours just isn't to be tolerated is it!. Big brother nanny state must intervene to control our every move, tell us what we can and can't do, that we can't cut our own tree on our own residential property or the East German neighbours (you) will dob us in!. Its called the tall poppy syndrome. You just cant stand someone being an achiever in any form of commerce ie; property, uncomfortably (for you) more of an achiever than you could ever be!. You need the state to control everyone so that it makes you feel good. You need to complain about the developers, or big business making far far too much money when most know that kind of debate is childish. Grow up! (some of you will achieve that with maturity & some of you will just never get it!).What sad creatures you are!. You would be more at home in the old Soviet Union wouldn't you, plenty of trees there!, but that was a hopelessly failed experiment wasn't it !.
I don't know where to start! What I can say is that I'm very sure Tim C isn't looking for an open and engaged discussion, with the possibility of having his own opinion challenged. The communist theme is incredibly consistent. The "you" being addressed is obviously any Your Views user of '"left-wing" political leanings but Tim C takes it as far as to call such people nanny-state lovin', East German communists who don't want to cut down trees but are the first to hack down tall poppies.
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