John Key has sure had a swell time in New York. He met Obama! He even went on the David Letterman Show! Reading out the "Top Ten Reasons to Visit New Zealand" as part of the Late Show's "Top Ten" feature, the script given to Key to read contained New Zealand stereotypes and slang, some of which American audiences could understand and some deliberately indecipherable by them; referring to the "whanau", the "bach" and "jandals".
In response to Key's representation of both himself and New Zealand on the world stage, Your Views asked its users: How do you rate John Key's performance? The question leaves itself open to interpretation, although if you examine the question in light of the related story it is clear they are asking about his representation on the world stage.
Kate Bennett (Auckland)
John has been in power long enough to give him a mark. I would give me a failing pass mark for the reasons that he has done little or nothing to improve the economy. He has managed to increase the taxpayers burden and contributions through the ETS scheme and the proposed super city.
I've cut Kate short here, as she does go on to talk more about taxpayer interests, but what strikes me is that she isn't interested in his performance in New York, but his performance as a politician. This comment is evidence that the unfocused nature of the question opens the field up to all kinds of interpretations of how to assess John Key's "performance".
Inevitably, Your Views users compared John Key's public persona with that of the previous Prime Minister of New Zealand, Helen Clark:
Bruce (Wellington CBD)
I think John Key is presentable as New Zealand's leader whereas Helen wasn't.
Jae (Manukau City)
Good on you john key.u were gr8. good to see our prime minister has a gr8 sence of humour.if it was helen clark.sheeeeshhh i can imagine the mockery david letterman would of given to her.and should would of read the top ten with her normal 'bland tone' of voice.
Ian (Glen Eden)
Overall I think his performance has been good, but the real "difference" between DonKey and Head Girl Helen showed up when they both commented on Sir Howard Morrison's death yesterday (on the TVNZ news last night). Head Girl Helen's comments were much more personal and relevant and reflected the fact that she had a much greater knowledge of his life's experiences. I think this alone reflected how much more "indepth" Helen Clark's general knowledge and command of NZ (Kiwi) events is.
Ian uses the comical names "DonKey" and "Head Girl Helen" to describe Key and Clark respectively. This is a common feature of online discussion forums, using alternative humourous and/or derogatory names when referrng to public figures. Although these names are often used to criticise the people being referred to (in an attempt to reveal some kind of truth behind their public persona), Ian is clearly using the terms in jest.
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So no one seems to mind that NZ's PM was just used for some joke, rather than being seen as worthy of a 'proper' interview? I kinda felt sorry for him - it seemed so demeaning.
And it was all scripted Stateside, right?
PS - best tag cloud ever! Bring on the Roman Polanski 'Your Views' post!
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