Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Robin Hood and his Murderous Merry Men

The highly publicised incident of several Auckland Grammar boys bowing down in front of a Nazi flag, captured on camera and put up for some lols on Facebook, has prompted calls for a greater understanding of the Holocaust. Naturally, Your Views is all over it: "What history should schools be teaching our students?" So basically, what magical history topic will stop ignorant teenage behaviour?

A fairly predictable array of responses from the Your Views bunch: "more on the World Wars!"/ "more on the Treaty of Waitangi!"/"less PC propaganda!"

But one comment stood out from the rest with for its clear insight, finally exposing the link between the welfare state and systematic mass murder.

AGW Sceptic (Greenlane)
What should be taught is that the term NAZI stood for National Socialist. That's right, the NAZI party were a pack of socialists, so all those from the left of the political spectrum who accuse the free market right wing of being NAZI's need to take a good look at themselves. They should also be taught that the death toll attributed to Adolf Hitler was nothing compared to that of other leftist leaders such as Stalin & Mao. The further left you go the more murderous they become, but I haven't heard of any free marketeers murdering people yet.

They should also be taught that Robin Hood was a thief & a murderer, not a hero.
Yeah, bloody Robin Hood should have let the richies keep their riches and wait for the money to 'trickle-down' to the poor.

1 comment:

Technoculture and New Media said...

Damn those global-warming sceptics and their killer arguments. Now why hasn't anyone noticed the 'socialist' in Nazi before? Silly old pc-world for believing they were fascists. Oh, and those British Tories currently flirting with European neo-Nazi parties should be warned off: they're getting into bed with a bunch of lefties.